Date: 26 April 2016
Location: NTNU Mustek
Participants: Bernt Isak Wærstad, Øyvind Brandtsegg
Session objective and focus:
- Test ourselves as musicians in cross adaptive setting. We have usually been the processing musicians, now we should test ourselves as the victims of automated processing.
- Make a simple test session for Live / M4L, for Bernt’s setup
4 introductory and testing takes.Effects and mapping:Vocal: Reverb. Guitar pitch controls reverb decay time. High pitch= long reverbGuitar: Delay. Vocal transient density controls delay feedback. Low density= max feedback
Take 5: Increase sensitivity. Also control reverb mix and delay time.
* take 5 is the take where something interesting starts to happen
* It seems like the control of both feedback and delay time (xfading to avoid pitch glide on delay time change) makes a musically more diverse ground for interplay. Also (guitar) control of reverb mix (actually send level) works similarly, to increase the dimensionality of interaction.
* The analysis is not flaw free, so some unintended glitches in parameter changes occur
* We would like to have analysis for tone/noise (flux or flatness or similar), and also more stable pitch analysis and more robust transient density.